" The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere,

they're in each other all along."

From Essential Rumi

by Coleman Barks

Monday, July 12, 2010

Precious Heart

If I were crying for a Tree’s love
the tree would weep,
would bind me in its branches and lift me to its crown
to rock me and soothe me;
 my eyes kissed by its leaves .

If I were crying for Wind’s care
the wind would howl
its balmy breath would dry my tears,
and warm  my soul
whispering the words of love.

If I were crying for Ocean’s kindness
the ocean would moan
its waves would surround me and hold me tight
allow me to know its unknown.

If I were crying before a Mountain
the way I am crying for your love
it would come closer, lean over,
embrace me, and give me hope.

I have the whole wide World open to love
yet I have no strength to unlock Your Heart;
it seems to be as tough  as diamonds,
under heat and force hardened over time.

May 2010

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