" The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere,

they're in each other all along."

From Essential Rumi

by Coleman Barks

Monday, July 12, 2010


Please darling, remind me
- wasn't that you who said:
"There is no such a thing
as a throw-away intimacy"?

Let me guess what happened to ours
since we did not throw it away...
Did we suspend it like laundry
on the clothes line drying in the air?

Or did we put it on the highest shelf
at the back of the wardrobe
for a season when we need
something much lighter and care-free?

Maybe we stored it in the attic in the coffer
with baby's clothes and wedding gowns
for the next twenty-five years or so?

Did we recycle it by a mistake?
But that doesn't make any sense:
We wouldn't put into a recycling bin
a book of art to be processed into a paperback!
No, that's just a pure nonsense!

Oh what a predicament!
I am looking for it all over the place
and I cannot find it anywhere.
Yesterday it was here
and then suddenly it disappeared!

Please, sweetheart, help me look for it
because I know that I did not throw it away,
and I don't believe that you did,
since you think that there isn't such a thing
as a throw-away intimacy!

June 2010

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