" The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere,

they're in each other all along."

From Essential Rumi

by Coleman Barks

Monday, July 12, 2010


How can I describe the void
created by your absence?

A vast tall room with lights too bright,
where each sound echoes from the bare walls and floors
imitating life
my scattered thoughts gathered around the black gaping hole
in my heart
A glass dome around me not allowing others to come close,
afraid of my suffering, as if it were a contagious disease...
Leprosy of heart
Good people leaving crumbs of empathy,
glad they could aid without exposing themselves
to my pain,
they cannot cure or help.

So I am wandering aimlessly
carrying a clapper and a bell,
walking half-dead through purgatory on earth.

April 2010

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